Meekaai Quay

Meekaai, which now goes by the name of Rouaanse Kaai, was located in between Sint-Pietersvliet and Brouwersvliet. In the fourteenth century, this mooring, which was also called a wharf, was part of the medieval city. The high city wall separated the city from the wharf. Under Charles V, it was rebuilt and connected to the Spanish ramparts. Under Napoleon, the high city walls were demolished and a new quay built. As a result, the wall of Brouwersvliet was located in the trench. The expected junction with the medieval or sixteenth-century quay walls was not found, however.

Meekaai around 1600
Moorings near Meekaai (18th century)
An impression of the Scheldt quays in the 19th century
Test pit with the southern quay of Brouwersvliet
Overhead view of the southern quay of Brouwersvliet
Quay of Brouwersvliet seen from the back