Steenen Kraan (en)

The medieval walls between the city and “Steenen Kraan” wharf, an old triangular mooring for ships, is hidden in the soil under Ortelius quay. Historic maps show that there used to be a high wall here, against which dwellings were built on the city side. Result: the remnants of the medieval city wall can still be found in the subsoil. A complex series of cellars, walls, floors and other traces of occupation was also preserved. The archaeologists even discovered an old cobblestone level about 2.5 metres under the present-day street level. This means that the ground level was considerably lower a few centuries ago.

The medieval wharf around 1515
Stenen Kraan around 1600
The wharf in the 18th century
Excavations with traces of historic occupation
Old cobblestone level near the old city wall
Remnants of the high medieval city wall
Excavations near Koolvliet in 1999
Koolvliet quay completely uncovered