Bastion Huidevetters Tower

This bastion, which is now situated in Antwerp’s Leien, near Maria-Theresialei, was built in 1551 near the fourteenth-century Huidevetters Tower. The tower owes its name to the craftsmen of the tanners’ guild whose workshops were mainly in this part of the city. When the bastion was completed in 1552, a commemorative plaque was installed on the corner of the bastion by Mary of Hungary, the region’s governess. We know this from historical sources.
The walls of the bastion will be further mapped during the works on the Noorderlijn project. Part of the bastion will have to make way for the new tram line.

Bastion of Huidevetters Tower on the map of Vergilius Bononiensis
Bastion of Huidevetters Tower in the mid-nineteenth century
Huidevetters Tower in 1860
2600 bezoekers bezochten het bastion op de publieksdag op 8 mei 2016
Een deel van het Huidevettersbastion verdwijnt voor de nieuwe metrotunnel
De zuidelijke voorzijde met typische piramidale hoek op de bastiondraai
De zuidelijke voorzijde met baksteenbasis en krijtstenen voet wordt opgekuist
Steunberen verstevigen de binnenzijde van het bastion, dat gevuld was met aarde
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