Saint Michael’s Bastion

Archaeologists found traces in this location of early settlement and military defences from various periods.

Saint Michael’s Abbey

Antwerp’s first parish church, which over time transformed into the large and powerful Saint Michael’s Abbey, originally stood here.


Napoleon ordered a series of slipways to be built near the present-day Cockerillkaai. They were part of the shipyard where a war fleet was to be built.

Ship arsenal

Under Napoleon, the French government built an arsenal for its war fleet, in the area between the Scheldt and Kloosterstraat, installing a shipyard and several workshops.

Museum of Fine Arts

There are still remnants of the former Spanish citadel, or Zuidkasteel (South Castle) under the Royal Museum of Fine Arts (KMSKA).

Kronenburg Tower

Before the Spanish ramparts and citadel were built, the city relied on medieval ramparts and towers for its protection. Kronenburg Tower was one of these defences.

Moats and ravelins

The Spanish citadel was encircled by a moat. Here archaeologists found traces of steps to the citadel moat.

Command bunker

This command bunker was built at the end of the 1930s. The Passive Air Raid Defence Department coordinated its activities from here in case of a bombing.


De bijnaam van de Waterpoort is de wandelende poort. Sinds haar oprichting in 1624 stond ze al op drie plaatsen.

Grachten en ravelijnen

De Spaanse citadel was omgeven door een natte gracht. Archeologen vonden hier sporen van de trap naar de citadelgracht.


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