Wandel (virtueel) mee langs middeleeuwse vlieten, 16de-eeuwse aanlegplaatsen en Napoleontische kaaien.
A test pit was dug near the Pilotage building to conduct a survey of the quay wall at Brouwersvliet.
“Bierhoofd” wharf and part of the medieval city walls were discovered near the Cruise Terminal.
A trench was excavated near the current coach parking in Plantinkaai to examine the Napoleonic quay wall.
In March and April 2015, the city’s archaeological service conducted a preliminary survey of the Scheldt quays.
A (virtual) walk through the preliminary archaeological survey that has been conducted on the Scheldt quays
Tijdens de maanden maart en april 2015 voerde de dienst archeologie vooronderzoek uit op de Scheldekaaien.
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