Zuiderterras car park

The Napoleonic quay wall runs under the hangars near Zuiderterras. Two test pits were dug here to determine its exact location.

Meekaai Quay

Remnants of the walls of Brouwersvliet were examined in a trench near the quay known as Rouaanse Kaai.

English Quay/Pilotage building

A test pit was dug near the Pilotage building to conduct a survey of the quay wall at Brouwersvliet.

Cruise Terminal

“Bierhoofd” wharf and part of the medieval city walls were discovered near the Cruise Terminal.

Afbeeldingen Tabaksvest (en)

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Afbeeldingen Tabaksvest

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Willem Dock

The “Groot Dok” or Large Dock was built in the sixteenth-century Nieuwstad: a 25-hectare site with canals and a residential neighbourhood called Boerenkwartier.


The “Werf” or “Kranenhoofd” was the wharf where the port crane stood. It was located on a spit of land in the River Scheldt, near the fortress. It was a perfect mooring for ships.

Vierschaer Court

The “Vierschaer” was the Antwerp law courts, named after the four “scarren” or benches used to demarcate it: a bench for the accused, the judge, the public prosecutor and the party claiming damages.

From fortress to park

Antwerp's central park is built on the remnants of the Fortress of Herentals, which was no longer used as a military fort as of 1859.


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